XAttacker Tutorial | Website Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter

You can use XAttacker tool on your website to check the security of your website by finding the vulnerability in your website or by exploiting the website.

You can install the XAttacker tool by cloning the repository or downloading the Zip file.

git clone https://github.com/Moham3dRiahi/XAttacker.git

You can launch the XAttacker with a website list or without a list. If you have a website list you can pass it as an argument.

If you have a list of websites, run the tool with the following command line.

perl XAttacker.pl -l list.txt

If you don't have a list of websites, run the tool with the following command.

perl XAttacker.pl

You can specify the path to the website list and it will start the vulnerability scan.

You can change the picture by replacing XAttacker.gif file in the downloaded repository.


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