How To Upgrade To Kali Linux 2018.1 Release?

Offensive Security has released 2008.1 release of the Kali Linux and it is consist of updated packages and bug fixes. Kali Linux 2018.1 has new 4.14.12 kernel.

Secure Memory Encryption is a feature that will be in newer AMD processors that enables automatic encryption and decryption of DRAM. The addition of this features means that systems will no longer (in theory) be vulnerable to cold-boot attacks because, even with physical access, the memory will not be readable.

Kali Linux 2018.1 supports Increased Memory Limits. Current (and older) 64-bit processors have a limit of 64 TB of physical address space and 256 TB of virtual address space (VAS). Upcoming processors will enable 5-level paging, support for which is included in the 4.14 kernel. This means that these new processors will support 4 PB of physical memory and 128 PB of virtual memory.

In addition to the updated kernel, Kali Linux upgraded a number of packages, including zaproxy, secure-socket-funneling, pixiewps, seclists, burpsuite, dbeaver, and reaver.

If you already have a Kali installation, you can easily get the latest version of these tools along with everything else that has been updated using the following command.

apt update && apt full-upgrade

You can download Kali Linux official ISO images from the download page, where you will also find links to the pre-made virtual machines and ARM images provided by Offensive Security.
