Advanced network scan and attack using NetAttack2

NETATTACK2 is a script written in python that can scan and attack networks.

Some of the features are,
  1. Scan your network for active hosts, their operating system, open ports and way more.
  2. Scan for Access-Points and figure out encryption type, WPS, and other useful data.
Spoofing or Snipping
  1. ARP Spoofing.
  2. DNS Sniffing by ARP Spoofing the target and listening to DNS queries.
  1. Kicking hosts off your internet using the ARP-Spoof attack.
Deauthentication (repudiate)
  1. Send deauthentication packets to Access Points in your area (DoS).
  2. Deauth-All basically does the same but it scans for networks and attacks them periodically.

Clone the GitHub repository and change to the netattack2/ folder. Run the Python script. It can automatically download the requirements.

git clone
cd netattack2/

After the requirements installation, you can run the script again to open the menu.

You can select the attack type and launch an attack. The menu is categorized for easy navigation and usability. 
